Hotel info


Check in & check out

Check in begins at 2 p.m. Check out by 12 p.m.


Parking is available in front of the hotel and in the garage. Seasonal rates apply, please check with the reception desk or concierge.

Pet policy

Pets are welcome, with certain rules of course.

Dogs must be kept on a leash or in a carrier while in public areas of the Hotel.

Dogs must be kept out of all food & beverage areas of the Hotel, including the fitness areas.

Dogs must be kept out of the beach area. Dogs are not allowed to swim in the sea.

Dogs must be walked only in designated outside area (info at the reception).

Owner has to be present while any member of the Hotel staff is in the room while the dog is present.

Owner has to accompany dogs at all times and not leave them unattended in the room.

Owner must prevent noise or any other disturbance by the dog, in the interest of other Hotel guests.

The Hotel is allowed to charge owners credit card for additional cleaning or repair services, even if they are discovered when owner departs from the hotel.

Wireless internet

In-house guests receive complimentary Wi-Fi.


Breakfast is served at the Spalatum restaurant, starting from 6:30 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. It is a buffet style breakfast but there is an a la carte menu as well (additional charges apply).

Currency exchange

Currency exchange office is located next to the reception desk.

Spa & Pools

Wellness & spa center is open from 6 a.m. until 10 p.m. Treatments available from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m.

Medical service

Medical service is available 24/7 in partnership with the local clinic. Physicians are available on call, please consult our reception desk or concierge.


Laundry service and dry cleaning is available except on Sundays and holidays. Additional charges apply, please consult our reception desk or concierge.

Electric car charging station

We are stimulating our guests to think green. Visit Le Méridien Lav Split with your electric car and use our charging facilities. There are 2 Tesla chargers and 3 universal chargers.